Thursday 18 May 2017

Donald Trump’s administration left reeling after special counsel appointed to oversee probe into campaign links with Russia

Ex-FBI director Robert Mueller, a Vietnam war veteran, has been hired to offer specialist legal advice to the bureau’s lead investigators

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Former FBI director Mueller to investigate Trump-Russia ties

Donald Trump’s administration has been left reeling after a special counsel was appointed to oversee the probe into his campaign links with Russia.
Ex-FBI director Robert Mueller, a Vietnam war veteran, has been hired to offer specialist legal advice to the bureau’s lead investigators.
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said: “I determined that a special counsel is necessary in order for the American people to have full confidence in the outcome.”
Muller was the second-longest FBI director in history, behind J. Edgar Hoover.
Earlier Mr Trump claimed “no politician in history… has been treated worse or more unfairly”.
His remarks yesterday came as a leading Republican John McCain likened the crisis to the one that brought down ex-President Richard Nixon. The Senator said: “It’s reaching the point where it’s of Watergate size and scale.”
Ex-FBI director Robert Mueller
In 1973 Nixon said he had never seen such “distorted” and “hysterical” reporting, adding: “I am not a crook.”
Mr McCain spoke as calls were made for Trump to be impeached after it emerged he gave highly classified information to Russia’s Foreign Minister last week.
Senator Mark Warner said he wanted to “hear from” axed FBI director James Comey over claims Trump asked him to drop his inquiry into ex-aide Michael Flynn’s Russian links. The FBI have also been asked to hand over Mr Comey’s memo of the meeting to the Senate ­Intelligence Committee.
Russia’s Vladimir Putin yesterday denied he received classified info, joking: “I spoke to [Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov] today. I’ll be forced to issue him with a reprimand because he did not share these secrets with us.”
There were laughs as a woman behind a photo of Trump made it appear he was in a skirt and heels.

Culled from Mirror

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