Saturday 8 August 2015

9 lies David Cameron told you before the election - according to Yvette Cooper By Dan Bloom

It's nearly 100 days since David Cameron stormed back into No10. Labour leadership hopeful Yvette Cooper made a list of vows he's already broken

All in his head: David Cameron said he'd protect OAPs, children and housebuilding. That's the reality?
Next week it'll be 100 days since David Cameron stormed back into Number 10 - and he's already broken a string of promises.
Now some of the worst have been drawn up in a dossier by Yvette Cooper as part of her bid to lead the Labour party.
She accuses the Prime Minister directly of lying to voters with a string of misty-eyed promises he made before polling day.
And she was set to tell Labour activists to pull together and stop being distracted by the unexpected drama of the leadership contest.
"David Cameron to get away with this and carry on like nothing has happened - he is taking the British public for fools," she was set to add.
So what are the nine lies she's accusing him of? Here's the full list - with the evidence to show whether she's right.

1. Protecting child tax credit

Mr Cameron made his promise in the BBC Question Time election special on April 30.
An audience member asked Mr Cameron to 'put to bed' rumours he'd cut child tax credit, or restrict child benefit to two children.
He replied: "No, I don't want to do that. This report that's out today is something I rejected at the time as Prime Minister and I reject it again today."
Host David Dimbleby then pushed him on the detail, saying some people were clearly worried.
The PM replied: "Child tax credit we increased by £450. It's not going to fall."
REALITY: The Budget made sweeping cuts to child tax credit hitting women harder than men.

2. Only freezing child benefit for 2 years

Empty promises: George Osborne's Budget doubled the time child benefit would be frozen
Child benefit was already going to be frozen at £20.70 / £13.70 a week for two more years, alongside benefits like jobseekers' allowance and income support.
That means it's continually losing value as it's overtaken by inflation.
The PM vowed in May: "We've made our reform.
"We've frozen it in this parliament and we’ve said we’ll have to freeze it for two years in the next parliament.
"We’ve said child benefit stays because it’s so important."
REALITY: George Osborne's Budget said the benefit will stay frozen for 4 more years. His own independent experts say it will have fallen 24% relative to average earnings between 2010 and 2021.

3. Electrifying the North's railways

PA Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne
Big promises: But the plug got pulled on the railway to the Tories' northern powerhouse
The Tories vowed to turn the north into a powerhouse, led partly by better rail links.
Their manifesto declared: "Electrification of the railways is a key part of our investment programme.
"With work already underway across the North, the Midlands, and South Wales, there are plans to go further in the rest of the country, including East Anglia and the South West."
REALITY: Two flagship electrification plans which take in Derby, Manchester, Leeds and Sheffield were scrapped soon after the election.

4. Building more affordable houses

House hunters applying for a mortgage will soon face tough questions over their finances
Priced out: The manifesto promised more affordable homes, but does it deliver?
Mr Cameron's manifesto vowed to build more affordable homes.
"The chance to own your own home should be able everyone who works hard," it declared.
"We will deliver more homes that people can afford" - including 200,000 starter homes exclusively under for first-time buyers under 40.
REALITY: The government's 1% yearly social rent reduction will cripple housing associations, according to the Office for Budget Responsibility. That'll mean 14,000 fewer homes being built than would've been otherwise.

5. Vowing not to dither on Heathrow

In March 2014 the PM promised to make a decision by this summer.
"We’ve got the Davies Review that is looking at our airport capacity, and he’s said there are really 3 options," he said.
"He says that it has to be addressed.
"We don’t have to do it tomorrow, but we do need to make a decision in good time and we will in the summer of next year."
REALITY: It's already August. The PM dithered over the report in the Commons after Boris Johnson broke ranks to say he'd block a third Heathrow runway.

6. Launching tax-free childcare this year

Getty Johnson is backing Yvette Cooper
Attack: Yvette Cooper has accused David Cameron of telling nine lies to voters
Last year the government promised to introduce tax-free childcare by autumn 2015.
The changes would hand an extra £2,000 a year per child to 'up to 1.8 million families' across Britain with a new online system, the Tories pledged.
REALITY: The policy has now been delayed until 2017. However, the government insists this was only because it had to fight a legal battle at the Supreme Court (which it won).

7. Giving workers 3 days' volunteer leave

AFP/Getty Images
Remember the Big Society? Us neither
A grand election pledge offered workers three days off a year to do volunteer work.
It'd be used by up to 15 million workers, including all of those in the public sector and companies with more than 250 employees.
REALITY: Eric Pickles bumbled through a car crash interview where he struggled to explain the policy. It didn't appear in the Queen's Speech and while it's not been ruled out, the Financial Times quoted a government source saying it's likely to be dropped.

8. Launching a social care cap next year

Getty Senior couple going over bills with laptop
How are we going to pay? Couples will still face having to sell their homes to pay for care
It was one of the big promises of the election - pensioners would no longer have to sell their lives down the river if they get dementia.
The Tories promised a cap of £72,000 for residential care, with the government paying any amount over that in an over-65 patient's lifetime.
The Conservative manifesto pledged: "We will cap charges for residential social care from April 2016."
REALITY: The policy was delayed until 2020 barely two months after the election. The government claimed it was feared councils won't be able to afford it.

9. Opening up government

PA The Palace of Westminster and Houses of Parliament, London
Secretive world: The Westminster bubble may soon become even harder to burst

The Conservative manifesto vowed to "continue to make government more transparent".
And ministers have always insisted they're more open than the government of Tony Blair, who despite launching the Freedom of Information Act said he later regretted it.
REALITY: The Tories have launched a consultation to restrict FOI which could carve out new areas of secrecy - called 'safe space' - when ministers draw up policies that affect millions.

Culled from The Mirror

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