Sunday 21 June 2015

Handcuffed Suspect Shoots Dead Officer And Flees

Travis Boys was being transported to jail when he managed to get his hands from behind his back to the front and grab a weapon.

Suspect Travis Boys. Pic: New Orleans Police Department
Travis Boys had been arrested on suspicion of aggravated assault. Pic: NOPD
A large manhunt is under way in New Orleans for a man who managed - while handcuffed in a police car- to shoot dead a veteran officer and then escape.
Officer Daryle Holloway, 45, was driving Travis Boys, 33, who had been arrested the previous night on an aggravated assault charge, to prison when the incident happened.
Mr Holloway, a highly respected officer of 22 years service and a father of three, was rushed to hospital but died from his injuries.
New Orleans officer Daryle Holloway. Pic: New Orleans Police Department
Mr Holloway had been a member of the NOPD since 1992. Pic: NOPD
New Orleans Police Department Superintendent Michael Harrison described it as "an extremely sad day" and said Mr Holloway's family were "taking it extremely hard".
"He shot and killed our officer. And for that he will be held accountable," he added.
Supt Harrison said Boys somehow managed to get his handcuffed hands from behind to in front of him - perhaps by being double-jointed - and through a gap in the cage that separates the back and front seats.
"He was able to produce a firearm and actually shot officer Holloway", who then crashed into a pole at a busy intersection, said Supt Harrison.
It was not clear where Boys got the firearm from but it was not the policeman's, he added.
Mr Holloway attempted to stop Boys from fleeing but was unable to.
Mayor Mitch Landrieu said the killing was "the lowest of the low" and called on the public to help police with information on Boys' possible whereabouts.
"Killing an officer in the line of duty is an attack on our community that will not stand," he said in a statement.
"The heart and soul of New Orleans is heavy today as our community mourns one of our city's finest."

Culled from skynews

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